Steve is a 50-year-old, culturally Deaf man who attended a drop-in hosted by n-compass’ Deaf Link Service. He had previously applied for the Personal Independence Payment benefit, but without interpreters present or anyone who understood cultural deafness, he felt his benefit award was low. He would like support in requesting a review. The n-compass Deaf Link Worker supported Steve in requesting a mandatory reconsideration of his claim, referred him to a DWP visiting officer who would come out with a BSL interpreter, and offered to attend the meeting with him to provide the cultural brokerage. The Deaf Link worker raised issues that Steve didn’t, providing the necessary information for an increased award. The Deaf Link Worker also supported Steve in installing Deaf equipment around the house. Steve relies heavily on his mum for all aspects of safety within the home, and she was fearful of becoming ill or infirm while Steve relied so heavily on her. A referral was made to the hearing impairment team for accessible smoke alarms, carbon monoxide monitors, and a doorbell for the Deaf. The Deaf Link Worker also helped Steve download the 999 BSL app, Sign Live and Sign Video to his phone.