As I reflect on my journey with n-compass, I am extremely grateful for the opportunities and support I have received over the years. Joining the organiastion in my mid-20s as a service manager, I was driven by an ambition to progress in my career while also wanting to start a family. Now, as the CEO, I can confidently say that n-compass has not only been instrumental in my professional development but also in ensuring a healthy balance between my work and personal life. Balancing the responsibilities of being a mum while striving for professional growth can be challenging, but n-compass supported me with this.

The organisation were not just compliant with legal requirements but went above and beyond to ensure I felt included, valued and supported whilst on maternity leave. Upon returning to work, I initially chose to work part-time, and later transitioned to compressed hours, allowing me to continue advancing my career while spending quality time with my family. The flexibility n-compass provided was a testament to our commitment to supporting our employees' diverse needs.

Beyond flexibility, n-compass has been invested in my professional growth, supporting my post-graduate studies in senior leadership, recognising the value of continuous learning. Additionally, I was given the opportunity to attend Vistage, a trusted network of top executives who learn from each other under the guidance of an experienced coach. This investment in my development has been fundamental in shaping me into the leader I am today.

Throughout my journey, I was fortunate to have a manager who was not only a mentor but also a champion of my success. With her guidance, I developed a Personal Development Plan that was aligned with my goal of becoming a senior leader. This structured approach to my development, coupled with the organisation's support, and a lot of hard work, eventually led me to take the reins as CEO.

Our recent ranking as the 47th best workplace for women (on the best medium-sized workplaces for women list) featured in ELLE magazine is a proud moment for us, but it's not just women who thrive at n-compass. We are a fantastic place to work for everyone, regardless of gender. This is because of our unique and vibrant culture—something that is often a topic of curiosity for other organisations.

When asked about our culture, my response is simple: culture isn’t a thing—it’s us. Culture is reflected in how we treat each other, how we include everyone, and how we ensure that everyone feels valued. This ethos comes from the top but is lived out by every single person in our organisation. At n-compass, we understand that our people are our greatest asset, and our culture is a direct reflection of the respect, inclusivity, and support we offer each other every day.

As I look to the future, I’m excited about the continued growth and success of n-compass, and I am proud to be leading an organisation that truly understands the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace. Whatever your gender, at n-compass, you'll find a place where you can grow, thrive, and feel genuinely valued.

Joanna Solanki