Ben struggled with his memory due to mental health issues and was referred to n-compass to support him through a review of his support plan as he was unhappy with aspects of his care. Due to Ben’s memory and mental health issues, the n-compass advocate met with Ben on several occasions to discuss different stages of the process so there wasn’t too much information for him to consider in one go.

The advocate worked with Ben to create a document outlining his main concerns. Once Ben was happy that he had expressed all his views, the document was sent to the social worker for review. Some of Ben’s suggestions were accepted.

However, the social worker had concerns over other areas that posed a risk if they were changed as Ben requested. After explaining the safety concerns to Ben, he agreed to keep them in as he understood why they were needed. He engaged with his care package, stating he felt listened to. By supporting Ben through this process in small, manageable steps and having open and clear communication, our n-compass advocate was able to ensure that Ben fully understood his support plan and was happy with the decisions being made.