“I decided to volunteer as I needed work experience as part of my degree in Psychology. n-compass and the Carers’ Hub Rochdale stood out to me the most as I wanted a challenge but also wanted to do something rewarding. Therefore, I decided to volunteer on the Incoming and Outgoing CHAT lines, where I provide a listening ear and emotional support to carers over the phone. No two calls are ever the same, whether that is with the same weekly carer via the Outgoing CHAT or anyone from the Incoming CHAT line because conversations can vary from personal matters to talking about gardening, TV shows, world history and even politics!  As well as this, I help to create the Sunshine Packs for carers which they receive online or in the post. The packs consist of things to do whilst at home, for example: recipes, film reviews, books quotes and more.

I enjoy volunteering for the Carers’ Hub and find that it is uplifting, and I have gained a sense of accomplishment knowing that people are receiving the support they need. It’s also interesting getting to know lots of people from different walks of life! An enriching experience like this is also valuable for career development as the roles I have taken have helped me to improve my written and verbal skills as well as confidently communicating with carers using an empathetic approach. I have a greater awareness of mental health and the training I was provided by n-compass has supported me to interact in a compassionate and non-judgemental manner.

I would recommend this 100% because it is an amazing opportunity for people of all ages. The roles are flexible so you it can be tailored to your schedule, and it is a great chance to interact with a diverse range of people of different ages and backgrounds. I am grateful for choosing this experience and look forward to helping more people in the future”