n-compass and Carers Link Lancashire deliver The Lancashire Carers Service
n-compass delivers the services in North, West and Central Lancashire and the services in the East are delivered by Carers Link Lancashire
What we do
We provide information, advice and a wide range of specialist support services designed to help carers continue in their caring role for as long as they choose and reduce the impact the caring role can have on their own health and wellbeing.
We work directly with individual carers to discuss their concerns and needs, and design a tailored personalised support package.
Support available includes:
- Carers’ Assessments and reviews
- Coffee and Chat support groups in North, West, Central and East Lancashire
- Regular magazines providing information on local groups, activities and courses
- Support for contingency and emergency planning
- A huge range of Digital resources
- Access to a CHAT line manned by empathetic and helpful people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Access to our Volunteer Befriending and Sitting in Services to help you take a break from caring and provide additional company and support
- Access to other community, health and wellbeing services
- Opportunities to volunteer, make friends and provide support for others
- Carers’ Awareness Briefings
In addition all registered carers will be invited to join the Carers’ Community Network to share their experiences and make new friends.
Contact Us
If you are based in North or Central Lancashire
To find out how we can help and be contacted by a member of our team:
Fill out the online form and register here
Call us on 0345 688 7113 option 2
Email: enquiries@lancscarers.co.uk
For East Lancashire simply:
Call us on 0345 688 7113 option 1
Email: info@carerslinklancashire.co.uk
What is a Carer?
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care, for a few hours a day or round the clock, to a friend or relative who could not manage without their support. The care they give may be due to age, illness, disability, mental health problems, or substance misuse.
Carers’ lives are often complex - many have other commitments as well as their caring role, such as work or school, and sometimes they live with the person they care for or sometimes they call in to help. These situations can create challenges which may impact on carers’ financial or educational opportunities, as well as their own health and wellbeing.
Carers sometimes do not realise they are a ‘carer’ and feel they are simply being kind, by looking after a family member or friend. Carers provide huge benefits to the person they care for, as well as wider benefits to the NHS, Social workers and society as a whole, by providing a free, essential support service.